Sunday, July 26, 2009

Journal 2

Robson, Matthew (2009, 07, 13). How teenagers consume media: the report that shook the city. Retrieved July 26, 2009, from Web site:

How Teenagers Consume Media

I found this article to be very entertaining and did a lot of reflection while reading it. I’d never taken into account my own habits when I was a teenager. I did wonder whether this article was just about teenagers today or the recent past because I noticed that some parts of it were different for me. For example, the author states that they didn’t know a single teenager who read the newspaper. I’m not exactly a teenager anymore, but I do read the newspaper. I also was surprised at the cell phone section talking about how most teenagers have pay as you go plans. I am not familiar with that fact at all because as a teenager, I didn’t know any of my friends to be on that kind of a plan, we were just on our parent’s plans.

What is one downside to using the television for educational programs in the classroom?

I think that a downside to using educational shows in class is that kids have learned to tune out many types of technology, such as pop-ups or advertising as mentioned in the article. I think that with technology such as cell phones, many kids can easily tune out an educational show and ultimately not learn anything.

How can teachers control the usage of cell phones by students?

According to the article, 99% of students have cell phones. I think there are two different ways to approach this problem, the first being acceptance and even the implementation of cell phones into the curriculum the way that our professor, Jeff Heil, did the first night of this class. The second would be to have students place their cell phones on the desk in plain sight so that there is no temptation to text under the desk or become distracted by their phones.

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